“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ―William Arthur Ward

category EdTech Class Reflections

This is the category to apply to your weekly reflection posts from the course.

Week 11 Reflections

This week we had the opportunity to talk with Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt! She talked about her experiences teaching kindergarten and how she integrates inquiry into her classroom. By asking guiding questions on various topics or using tangible provocations Rebecca is able… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Reflections!

This week we had the opportunity to speak with Chantelle Morvay-Adams about inclusive and accessible education and the impacts of ableism on students. It was very interesting the hear a parent’s perspective on inclusive education and it was really great… Continue Reading →

Week 8 Reflection

This week in class we talked about remote learning––our experiences and how we can utilize online tools. I thought it was really interesting hearing all of our cohorts various experiences with online learning especially during COVID times. From my personal… Continue Reading →

Week 7 Reflections :)

This week in class we had the opportunity to learn about EdCamps! Prior to this class, I had never heard of EdCamps so it was very interesting to see what they are and how they function. At my school in… Continue Reading →

Week 6 Reflections!

Unfortunately, I missed class on Monday so I did not get to hear from Jeff Hopkins in person, however, I have had the chance to look at all of the resources and information posted on our class website and a… Continue Reading →

Week 5 Reflections

Sketchnoting is a creative and fun way of note-taking using both words and pictures together to promote engagement and memory. I have a habit of doodling on my paper in class, but if I can start using my habit of… Continue Reading →

Chickens underwater~Week 4 reflections

In today’s class, we had the opportunity to work through some workshops with Rich McCue! It was actually super interesting and engaging! I have had some previous experience working with iMovie, but the little tutorials were great refreshers. In high… Continue Reading →

Week 3 Reflection

This week in class we had the opportunity to hear from Jesse Miller who talked about digital privacy, identity, and literacy as well as online safety and security. I felt our class had such an amazing discussion with Jesse about… Continue Reading →

Week 2 reflection

For class this week we had to watch the Most Likely To Succeed Film. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this––I just found it overall super interesting. The way the film described the relationship between the western education system and the economy… Continue Reading →

Initial reflections––Week 1

This is my first blog post ever! To be honest, setting up my account was really confusing and I’m still not totally sure if I have done it correctly. Hopefully, though, this appears in the correct spot and in the… Continue Reading →

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